EB-2 Advance Degrees and Experience
Those with exceptional ability in the sciences, arts or business, professionals with advanced degrees, and physicians who wish to practice medicine in an underserved area of the United States may be eligible for an immigrant visa.
Exceptional Ability in the Sciences, Arts, or Business
Exceptional ability has been defined as something more than what is usual, ordinary, or common, and requires some rare or unusual talent, or unique skill. Furthermore, your entry into the U.S., because of your exceptional ability in your given area must benefit the economy, culture, welfare or educational interests of the United States.
Professionals with Advanced Degrees
Professionals with degrees that go beyond a baccalaureate, such as professionals with a Master’s or a terminal degree (an “advanced degree”), and professionals who have the foreign or experiential equivalent of a U.S. advanced degree, may be eligible for an immigrant visa. Examples of persons who would qualify for an EB-2 immigrant visa include architects, engineers, lawyers, physicians, surgeons, teachers, and professors.
To qualify for an EB-2 immigrant visa, you must have at least three of the following requirements:
1. a job offer (this can be waived if such a waiver would serve national interest);
2. a degree, diploma, or similar credential from a post-secondary institution relating to your area of exceptional ability;
3. at least ten years of full-time experience in the occupation being sought;
4. a license to practice the profession or certification for a particular profession or occupation;
5. evidence that you command a salary or other remuneration for services which demonstrates exceptional ability;
6. membership in professional associations;
7. recognition for achievements and significant contributions to the industry or field by peers, government entities, professional or business organizations; and
8. other comparable evidence.
Our Practices

> General
> Employment Visas
> Investment and Business Visas
> Family and Marriage Visas
> Student Visas
> Immigrant Visas (Green Cards)
> The Availability of Immigrant Visas (Green Cards)
> Green Card through Employment
> Labor Certification - PERM
> EB-1 Persons of Extraordinary Ability
> EB-2 Advance Degrees and Experience
> EB-3 Skilled or Professional Workers
> EB-4 Religious Workers
> EB-5 Investment Green Card
> Family-Based Green Cards
> Diversity Immigrant Visa
> Non-Immigrant Visas (Temporary Visa)
> Criminal Inadmissibility
> U.S. Waiver for Canadians
> Naturalization
> U.S. Immigration Services in the Vancouver Area
> U.S. Immigration Lawyer in Toronto
> Experienced U.S. Immigration Lawyer in Montreal
> Immigration Lawyer in Calgary